| 1. | Mobilizing additional capital flows from private and official sources will be a crucial factor in establishing the conditions required for growth . 为了创造增长所需的条件,动员更多的私人和官方来源的资金流入将是重要的因素。 |
| 2. | Was a crucial factor in our defeat of the cheyenne 是我们战胜夏安人的决定性因素 |
| 3. | . . . was a crucial factor in our defeat of the cheyenne 是我们战胜夏安人的决定性因素 |
| 4. | And reading comprehension is also a crucial factor 另外阅读理解也是一项决定性因素。 |
| 5. | Trust : a crucial factor for northeast asian security cooperation 东北亚区域安全合作的关键因素 |
| 6. | Good physical health is a crucial factor in good exam results 保持身体健康,是考试成功的必要条件。 |
| 7. | Clive harris : a crucial factor is how quickly they can deliver 克莱夫哈里斯:重要的是他们能多快供货。 |
| 8. | Knowledge has become a crucial factor in the progress of a country “知识”变成了一个国家是否进步的关键因素。 |
| 9. | The quality of teacher is a crucial factor influencing the quality of education 教师质量是影响教育质量的关键因素。 |
| 10. | Thus explaining why viper sting is such a crucial factor in defeating paladins 因此腹蛇刺击在击败圣骑士的时候是决定性因素。 |